
Travel Medications

Your Travel Prescription Solution

Unexpected medical problems will occur in even the most healthy travelers. Complicating these problems are the unique challenges in accessing quality medical care in a foreign environment. For these reasons, our providers at Voyager Medical advocate stand-by emergency treatment (SBET). SBET consists of traveling with prescribed medications in anticipation of common travel related illnesses. Prompt initiation of treatment under the guidance of your travel medicine physician will greatly enhance the ease and safety of your voyage.

Standby Emergency Treatments (SBET)

Safe Traveler Pack


Addressing the most common illnesses for every traveler and every itinerary including travelers’ diarrhea, nausea and pain. Also included is one broad spectrum antibiotic to treat common infectious illnesses until formal medical care can be obtained.

  • Azithromycin
  • Loperamide
  • Ondansetron
  • Cefidinir
  • Ibuprofen

Women’s Health Pack


 For all patients (although most common in women) who suffer from occasional urinary tract infections or yeast infections.

  • Macrobid
  • Pyridium
  • Diflucan

Pediatric Traveler Pack


Medications for ear infections, eye infections, vomiting and croup, common in the pediatric traveler.

  • Augmentin
  • Polytrim Ophthalmic
  • Cortisporin Otic
  • Ondansetron ODT
  • Dexamethasone

Infectious Illness Pack


Remote, third world travel poses unique risk for infectious diseases.  Under the direction of your provider, this pack allows early treatment for travelers diarrhea, skin infections, animal bites, respiratory infections and urinary tract infection.

  • Augmentin
  • Azithromycin
  • Doxycycline
  • Macrobid
  • Cephalexin

High Altitude Pack


Acute mountain sickness  (AMS) is common at elevations above 6000 ft.  If unrecognized and untreated, AMS has potential to progress to life threatening lung and nervous system injury.  

  • Acetazolamide
  • Dexamethazone
  • Nifedipine

Marine Pack


Infections in the marine environment are unique and require specific antibiotic therapies.  This pack also includes treatment for motion sickness and swimmers ear.

  • Levofloxacin
  • Scopolamine
  • Cortisporin Otic

Allergy Pack


Travelers are exposed to a large variety of potential allergic triggers.  This pack includes medications needed for treatment of minor or serious allergic reactions.

  • Epi Pen
  • Prednisone
  • Fexofenadine
  • Famotidine
  • Triamcinolone Cream

A La Carte Medications

If you just need a couple of simple medications for the safety and comfort of your trip.

Epipen  (allergic reactions)  $349

Scopolamine Patch (motion sickness)  $49

Diflucan (yeast infections)  $29

Prednisone (poison oak/ivy)  $29

Ondansetron (vomiting)  $29

Doxylamine (sleep) $29

Malaria Prophylaxis


Malaria is an important disease requiring thoughtful prevention.  If you are travelling to a malaria endemic area , we provide prophylactic medications most appropriate for your itinerary and your health history.

  • Atovaquone/Proguanil
  • Mefloquine
  • Hydroxycholorquine
  • Doxycycline
More Details

Some Questions?

As part of your travel medicine consultation, you and your physician will discuss medication packs that might be of benefit to you during your upcoming travels.  At the conclusion of your consult you will receive a consultation summary which will include the option to purchase the medications that the physician has prescribed.

Before and during travel you can contact your provider via the patient portal with basic medical questions.

  • For minor illnesses or injuries you may be able to initiate treatment with your SBET pack in accordance with our treatment guides and your personal medical expertise.  
  • If an acute illness arises, an online consultation can also be scheduled.  
  • Our services, however, are not a replacement for care in the context of a medical emergency.  If an emergency arises, seek immediate in person medical care.  
Time To Roam

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Voyager Medical helps you prepare for every adventure so you can explore more confidently than ever before. We care about travelling smarter, trust us to keep you informed.

Worry less, explore more!

*We wave consultation for travel dedication to charity work, relief work or mission work.

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