Frequently Asked Questions

You May Have Some Questions

Travel FAQs

The clinicians and staff at Voyager Medical are dedicated to making your travel safe and rewarding. It is important to us that the services we provide are of the highest quality and that our patients are completely satisfied with the care they receive. If you have any concerns, questions or suggestions regarding our services, please contact us! In the meantime, many of the more commonly asked questions are answered below.

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Most prescription medications, including antibiotics, have a shelf life of one to two years.  Expiration dates are marked on the packaging. 

Each medication is intended for one treatment course for one patient.  Depending on the illness being treated and the properties of the medication, the number of pills will vary.

If you use one of your medications in a treatment pack, a refill can be requested through the patient portal without any additional consultation fees.

Medications are prescribed to specific patients based on their unique medical history, allergies and indications.  Medications should not be shared.

At Voyager Medical we are committed to providing an outstanding travel medicine experience.  If, after your consultation, you do not feel that we were able to meet your needs or if you have concerns regarding the care provided, just let us know and we will refund the consultation minus the initial scheduling fee.  Unfortunately, medications cannot be returned or refunded. 

Each medication pack is customized to you by the treating physician.  We recognize that medication allergies are common and therefore have the ability to substitute or exclude medications if necessary with minor adjustments in cost.

Our consult services and medications are generally eligible for FSA or HSA reimbursement although that is ultimately determined by your benefit plan.  Products and services can be purchased directly with a FSA/HSA credit card at the time of checkout, or our detailed account statement can be used for reimbursement.  We do not directly bill health insurance.

Immediately after your order, the prescriptions are submitted to the pharmacy where they are reviewed and packaged by a licensed pharmacist.  The medication pack is then shipped directly to your door.  We recommend purchasing your medication packs at least two weeks prior to travel.

While our products and services are generally covered by most insurance plans, we do not accept insurance payments.  You can use our detailed account statement to submit for reimbursement or can use your HSA/FSA for payment if you have a linked credit card.

We do not prescribe any controlled substances.

We do not prescribe any medications intended to treat or prevent COVID.

By using a national, mail-order pharmacy we are able to provide a better product at a better cost.  In addition, your medication packs will arrive conveniently at your door in high-quality, space-saving packaging tailored to the traveler. 

We are a young company and are growing rapidly.  Our goal is to never allow our growth to compromise the quality of care and service we provide.  Currently we provide services to patients in the following states: Colorado, District of Columbia, Idaho, Kentucky, Montana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New York, Tennessee and Arizona.  In order to receive care through our clinic you must reside in one of these states.  We are quickly adding new states and new providers and anticipate nationwide coverage in 2024.  We cannot provide care to patients in Canada, Mexico, or other foreign countries.

We are happy to answer questions about traveling with children during your consultation.  However, if the child needs a prescription, a brief consultation with them is needed to be sure that age, weight and health information are correct prior to prescribing.

The development of antibiotics is among the most valuable advancements in the history of medicine.  Common infections, once considered life-threatening, are now quickly and completely cured with short courses of antibiotic treatment.  In recent decades, however, the harms caused by the overuse of antibiotics have been clearly recognized and the concept of ‘antibiotic stewardship’ has become a core tenet of responsible medical practice.  

As with any medication, the decision to take an antibiotic involves an assessment of both the potential benefits of treatment as well as the potential harms.  With regard to potential benefits, it is imperative to recognize that antibiotics only offer benefit for infections caused by bacteria.  Furthermore, specific bacterial strains are treatable only by specific antibiotics.  Using the wrong antibiotic, or worse yet, using an antibiotic when suffering from an infection that is caused by a virus offers no potential benefit to the patient.

The potential harms of antibiotics need also be underlined.  For example, antibiotics frequently cause diarrhea and nausea.  Occasionally that diarrhea can be severe and dangerous.  Antibiotics are also common causes of allergic reactions, or may cause dangerous interactions with other medications.  There are also potential side-effects that are specific to a given antibiotic.  

As important as these individual considerations are, even more important is the impact that inappropriate antibiotic use has on society as a whole.  The use of antibiotics promotes strains of bacteria that are resistant to treatment thus creating new and deadly disease processes with limited options for cure.  

For these reasons, the decision to use an antibiotic, or any medication for that matter, should not be taken lightly.  The illnesses intended to be treated with the Ready Pack have been selected based on both the frequency of occurrence and the simplicity of diagnosis.  The medications chosen for the Ready Pack are chosen based on both efficacy and safety.   None the less, we recommend that you consult with a healthcare professional if possible before you take any of the medications contained in your Ready Pack.

We do not prescribe any controlled substances or other medications that might create legal or regulatory concerns when entering a new county.  All medications are labeled appropriately with your name, the prescribers name, and instructions for use.  

None of the medications require refrigeration or special care while traveling and all of the medications arrive in high quality, space saving packaging allowing convenient storage in your travel bags.

Our health privacy policies and practices documents are sent out via email along with our patient intake forms, prior to the scheduling of the appointment.  If you desire a copy in advance, or need them resent to you, simply reach out to us at (*our help email*)

We are a new and rapidly expanding company.  While we can provide services in most of the country, there are still a number of states where services are not yet available.  We anticipate being able to provide care nationwide by the end of 2024.  Reach out by clicking  ‘Start a Consultation’ or by contacting our customer service.  If we cannot meet all of your travel medicine needs, we will happily provide you with alternative resources.

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1080 Brickell Ave - Miami

United States of America



Travel Agency +1 473 483 384

Info Insurance +1 395 393 595

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